Scroll to the date where you want to start deleting emails. Click on one email, hold down the Shift key, press the down arrow on the keyboard. Continue pressing the down arrow until you have several hundred emails checked. Delete. Repeat. Dec 29, 2019 · 4. At the top of the interface, click Delete. However, contrary to its name, it doesn’t actually delete emails, but rather moves the emails you’ve selected to Delete Items. 5. In the left hand column, click Deleted Items. 6. Select the emails like you did in Step 3 and then choose Delete or Empty Folder, located at the top. Sep 27, 2016 · Why did she delete 33,000 emails?" Comments (0) Share to Facebook Share to Twitter Email this article. Top Stories. Why Hillary Clinton Deleted 33,000 Emails on Her Private Email Server. Oct 26, 2014 · 4. Type has:nouserlabels into the Gmail search box > select ALL > DELETE. Look through the emails and you should see all the emails you THOUGHT you deleted now in the TRASH folder. 6. Check mark and Select ALL > EMPTY TRASH. 7. Delete your “LABELED” label and the label you created for the emails that you had in your INBOX. 8. Re: How to delete emails older than a certain date Depending on how many messages you are talking about, there's a couple of ways to approach this. If you mean you want to dump a couple of hundred emails or so, you could open the folder, and change the sort order to ascending by date.
Jan 15, 2020 · All the emails you received before this date will be listed now. If you want to delete them all, check the box below the search bar and then click on the trash can icon next to it. If you want to delete these emails individually, only check the boxes next to the emails you want to delete. Remember, these emails will go to the Trash now. If you
Discuss: How to 'unsend' a sent email from your Gmail account Sign in to comment. Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic. We delete comments that violate our policy, which we encourage you
Delete emails in Mail on Mac. You can delete email messages that you don’t need anymore to help keep your mailboxes manageable, and to free up storage space on your Mac or on the mail server. Deleted messages are available until they’re permanently erased. Open Mail for me
Delete multiple emails. You can quickly delete multiple emails from a folder and still keep your unread or important emails for later. To select and delete consecutive emails, in the message list, click the first email, press and hold the Shift key, click the last email, and then press the Delete key.